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Best Practice for Listening Test for IELTS Students

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However, every module in IELTS carries the same value and equal weightage, still there are times candidates find it harder to crack the IELTS listening section. Just like any other module, listening section can also be a cakewalk if close attention is paid to some minute details. As we know that listening section in IELTS contains conversation between two people in a general setting, and the candidate is required to fill the blanks with information in the dialogue, with ultimate goal to fill the correct answers.

Here are some tips and tricks you can use to crack the IELTS listening section! 

Tip #1 – Read Instructions and Questions Carefully

Reading and understanding the instructions is extremely important as it tells you what is to be done. Do not miss the instructions as you may attempt the questions wrongly, thereby losing valuable marks. Same is with questions! Avoid reading questions aloud as it may cause distraction. Instead, read the questions while the speaker is reading the example question(s). 

Tip #2 – Use Prior Knowledge

Using prior knowledge helps. In the context of IELTS, you can use prior knowledge to predict the words that you come across. IELTS takers are familiar with situations they may come across during the listening section of the test. It is highly suggested to keep eyes, ears and brain open and be as agile and responsive as possible. 

Tip #3 – Write Answers on the Paper First

While the candidate is going through the listening test, it is suggested to write down the answers on test paper initially and then copy them to the answer sheet finally. Make sure you take care of spellings and grammar. 

Tip #4 – Check Spelling and Grammar

Pay extra attention check grammar and spellings and double-check before submitting. Make sure all the parts of the speech are taken care of. You may come across several careless mistakes upon thoroughly proofreading your test once. 

Though these tips can specifically prove beneficial to master IELTS listening section, these can be used in other sections too. An overall thorough and careful approach will help you score great overall marks in your IELTS examination. 

Author Bio 

Bella Cameron was born and brought up in Melbourne, Australia. She is working as a senior blogger and visa consultant in Asia Pacific Group and also has expertise in Partner Provisional Visa for Australia. Bella enjoys reading articles on fitness, latest technologies and writes about different aspects of education.

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